
游客2024-01-24  16

问题     在旧的师生关系中,老师就是老师,师道尊严,神圣不可侵犯。而新的师生关系则是“不耻相师”,彼此平等,不分尊卑,谁有学问谁就是老师。老师和学生之间并没有不可逾越的界限。圣人无常师,师亦无常道,就是说老师并不经常等于真理。一个当老师的人,既要勇于坚持自己的真理,又要勇于承认自己的非真理,同学生们一起为科学真理而奋斗。


答案     In the old relationship between teachers and students, teacher’s dignity is holy and inviolable. While in the new relationship, we advocate "not being ashamed to learn from each other", Students and teachers are equal, regardless of age hierarchy. Every scholarly person can be a teacher. There is no insurmountable boundary between teachers and students. A sage has more than one teacher, and the teacher is not always equal to the truth. A good teacher should not only have the courage to stick to his own truth, but also be brave enough to admit his untruth. Only in this way, can he strive for scientific truth together with his students.
