It’s an argument virtually every modern parent has had with their child; the

游客2024-01-24  8

问题    It’s an argument virtually every modern parent has had with their child; the battle to prise them away from the mobile phone they’re glued to. For children, a smartphone is a window to games, videos and constant interaction with their friends. But for parents, it can feel like a minefield. But who’s in the right?
   First, it’s worth bearing in mind that screen time can be beneficial. " We tend not to recognise the value of what they do on their mobile devices, but they often use them to extend an interest—for instance, if they’re interested in gymnastics, they’ll watch videos of routines and try to learn from them," Peter Twining, professor of education at the Open University says.
   This difference in understanding of children’s mobile phone usage may help to explain the substantial disparity (差异) in opinion between children and parents about how much screen time is acceptable. According to a survey, the mean amount of screen time that adults thought appropriate for children was 1. 75 hours, with children believing it to be 3.34 hours.
   But at least both parties do recognise that there should be limits. However, recent research suggests that instead of setting specific time limits for usage, such as a maximum of two hours per day, it’s actually the nature of the screen time that matters. For instance, passively flicking through social media posts is less beneficial than actively playing games, which can improve problem-solving skills and persistence. A study found that " how children use the devices, not how much time they spend on them, is the strongest predictor of emotional or social problems connected with screen addiction. "
   Twining agrees, saying: "I’m less concerned about screen time than about the nature of the interactions around the screen. The screen should become a shared focal point for interaction within the family rather than an individual activity. The screen shouldn’t be an alternative to socialising with your child, it should be an enhancement to it. " [br] According to Twining, what should parents do with the screen?

选项 A、Limit the screen time.
B、Use the screen to enhance interaction with their children.
C、Determine what games their children can play.
D、Keep their children away from the screen.

答案 B

解析 事实细节题。由定位句可知,屏幕不应该是与孩子交往的替代方案,它应该用来增进与孩子的交往,故答案为B)。A)“限制屏幕时间”和C)“决定他们的孩子可以玩什么样的游戏”,第五段第一句指出相比关注屏幕时间,特文宁比较关注围绕屏幕互动的性质,可知特文宁真正关注的既非屏幕时间限制,也非屏幕互动的内容,而是围绕屏幕互动的性质本身,故排除这两项;D)“让他们的孩子远离屏幕”,文章第一段第一句指出这是一场将孩子与他们整天盯着的手机强行分开的战斗,非特文宁的观点,故排除。