中国的老龄人口在快速增长。预计到2050年,全国将有三分之一的人口超过60岁。然而,在中国的大多数城市,养老院(nursing home)数量很少且针对

游客2024-01-24  12

问题     中国的老龄人口在快速增长。预计到2050年,全国将有三分之一的人口超过60岁。然而,在中国的大多数城市,养老院(nursing home)数量很少且针对性的服务远远落后。这就是为什么大多数中国人在他们变老时,更愿意留在自己的子女或配偶身边。一些政协委员(CPPCC member)建议增加保障老龄人口权益的国家财政预算,给养老院提供更多的基础设施(infrastructure)并提高其服务质量。


答案     China’s aging population is growing rapidly. It is predicted that by 2050 one out of three Chinese will be over 60 years old. However, in most Chinese cities, there are few nursing homes, and their targeted services lag far behind. That’s why for most Chinese, when they grow old, they would rather stay with their children or spouses. Some CPPCC members suggest that more national budget should go towards protecting aging population’s rights and interests, by building more infrastructure and improving service in nursing homes.

解析 1.第2句中的“预计……”用句型it is predicted that…来表达,更符合英语的表达习惯。“三分之一”用短语one out of three来表达比one third更生动。
2.第3句中的“养老院数量很少”可逐字译成nursing homes are few,或转译成there be结构。
3.最后一句中“建议”后的内容“增加……”为无主语句,故可将该句译成suggest doing sth.的结构,或可译成suggest that...的从句,无主语句部分则译为被动句,同时注意“建议”suggest后接的宾语从句必须用虚拟语气“(should+)动词原形”。“给养老院提供……服务质量”跟前半句看起来是并列关系,但经分析可发现这一句可看作是“保障老龄人口权益”的方式,故用介词by引导现在分词短语来表达。