[originaltext]M: Good afternoon. Sorry to have kept you waiting. How can I help

游客2024-01-24  13

M: Good afternoon. Sorry to have kept you waiting. How can I help you?
W: Oh, no problem. I’m interested in booking a holiday to Australia and wonder if you could tell me what deals you have.
M: Sure. Are you only looking for flights or a package holiday with everything included?
W: When you say “everything,” what do you mean?
M: Well, a package holiday would include your flights, hotels, meals, day trips to different places of interest and transport to and from the airport.
W: Yeah, that sounds pretty good. I’m going with my family, so it would be nice to have everything taken care of. So, what sort of deals do you have for package holidays then?
M: All sorts, really. How long do you want to go for and what dates?
W: Two weeks around Christmas time would be great.
M: Okay, let me check that for you. Here’s one, 14 nights in southeastern Australia. Five nights in Sydney and five nights in Melbourne, and then for the other four nights you can choose from a list of trips to other places nearby. You could visit Canberra, for example, or the Blue Mountains, or you could go for a drive down the Great Ocean Road. Also, if you’re interested in wine, you could go on a tour of the places where they grow grapes and make wine.
W: That sounds great. It’s good we can choose some activities ourselves.
Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
12. Where is the conversation taking place?
13. Why is the woman interested in package holidays?
14. How long does the woman want to go for the holiday?
15. What does the woman say she likes about the holiday package?

选项 A、She would be able to visit more scenic spots.
B、She wanted to save as much money as possible.
C、She would like to have everything taken care of.
D、She wanted to spend more time with her family.

答案 C

解析 目的原因题。当女士从男士那里了解到有度假套餐服务时,她非常高兴,因为她是和家人一起出行,希望有人能把一切都安排好。