According to a recent study, the idea of aging might look different throu

游客2024-01-23  6

问题        According to a recent study, the idea of aging might look different through the eyes of little children. A good number of children aged three to five seemed to think that birthday parties were【C1】______for making people grow older. According to those kids, if people don’t have a birthday party, they【C2】______the same age.
       Developmental psychologist Jacqueline Woolley compiled two studies in which they tested children’s understanding of aging by telling them stories. The researchers told them a story about a child who had no birthday party. Then, a story about a child who had two birthday parties. After hearing the stories, the children were asked to tell the age of each character.
       Woolley’s team【C3】______that 4- and 5-year-olds would do【C4】______ better than 3-year-olds at reporting the age of the character in each story. But for the story, in which a child had two birthday parties, all the kids seemed【C5】______ .
       The researchers also tested children’s【C6】______ about the way adults age by telling a story about a woman who does not want to grow older. Seventy-one percent of three-year-olds responded with【C7】______answers. The older kids did better on that question, and all of the kids were able to correctly answer the other questions about the woman’s age.
       Children as young as three understand the idea that living things grow and【C8】______ do not. But birthday parties are a cultural 【C9】______. So the researchers set out to study how a piece of culture might 【C10】______ the way children think about an idea that overlaps culture and biology.
H) mention
I) negative
J) objects
K) practice
M) remain
N) responsible
O) significantly [br] 【C6】


答案 B

解析 名词辨析题。分析句子结构可知,空格处应填入名词与children’s构成名词短语,作动词tested的宾语。根据上一段内容可知,心理学家就孩子们对于小孩子年龄的辨别能力进行了研究。空格所在句用连词also进行顺承连接,表明更进一步。根据空格后面的句子可以推断出,心理学家开始对孩子们对大人年龄的认知进行研究。结合备选项,可以推断出beliefs“信仰,信念”符合句意,故为答案。