For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Caring

游客2024-01-23  7

问题 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Caring for the Aged following the outline given below. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.


答案     Caring for the Aged
    The Double Ninth Festival is the day for everyone to show his sincere respect and heartfelt gratitude to the senior citizens, who have contributed so much to our society as well as their families.
    My former neighbor Mr. Wang, a retired worker, has left a deep impression on me. When I was a kid, he took good care of me when my parents were busy. One day, he taught me to fly a kite. After trying many times, I still could not make it. In a fury, I threw the kite to the ground and wanted to stamp on it. Mr. Wang patted me on the head, "Practice makes perfect. Next time you’ll do it better. Let’s try again." I still remember his words clearly.
    I would never forget Mr. Wang and other senior citizens, from whom I have learnt virtues such as persistence, integrity and selflessness. In return for this, the best thing I should do is spend more time with them and bring them happiness, as what they did during my childhood.

解析     第一段通过重阳节来临之际向老年人表示感谢,引出主题。
    第二段叙述童年时一位老邻居通过教自己放风筝给予自己的启示和教育。由于是记叙文体,整个段落使用了过去时态。谚语Practice makes perfect.增加了老人话语的说服力,为文章增色。