[originaltext] In Disney’s cartoon Wall-E, the robot is left behind on a dese

游客2024-01-23  5

In Disney’s cartoon Wall-E, the robot is left behind on a deserted Earth to clean up the waste mankind left behind. If the latest statistics are anything to go by, we’re in danger of turning that fictional future into a reality.
   A decade ago, city residents generated 680 million tonnes of solid waste a year. Now this is 1.3 billion tonnes, and forecast to rise to 2.2 billion tonnes by 2025.
   But could technology, which helped create much of this waste, also help deal with it?
   Much of the world’s waste goes to landfill sites, which only add to the pollution problem because they produce methane—a greenhouse gas and significant contributor to climate change.
   But technology is helping to extract the gas and turn it into electricity. For example, US-based Ener-Core has built installations at landfill sites in California and the Netherlands that can produce between 250 kilowatts and 1 megawatt of electricity.
3. What is the problem mentioned in the news report?
4. What problem does the waste going to landfill sites cause?

选项 A、People are generating billions of tonnes of waste.
B、People are in danger of financial problems.
C、Climate change has influenced people’s life.
D、Disney movies have changed the world.

答案 A

解析 新闻中提到的主要问题是人类每年都会产生数亿吨的垃圾,且产生垃圾的速度越来越快,地球可能会变成像迪士尼电影里的景象,所以选A。B“人们面临经济问题”将新闻中的fictional替换成了financial。C“气候变化影响了人类生活”和D“迪士尼电影改变了世界”都是利用个别原词干扰,并没有在新闻中提到。