[originaltext] Indonesian officials have recovered bodies from the sea near

游客2024-01-23  9

Indonesian officials have recovered bodies from the sea near the wreck of an AirAsia passenger jet. The airplane crashed during a storm on Sunday.
    Indonesian television showed rescue helicopters pulling bodies from the Java Sea, in waters about 160 kilometers from Borneo Island. The first images of the bodies showed they were not wearing protective life jackets.
    Rescue workers had recovered about one fourth of the passengers and crew at nightfall. They found the bodies soon after discovering the wreck. It included what appeared to be an orange life jacket, a red and white emergency door, etc.
    Searches from the air also showed what appeared to be a very large object under the surface of the water. It is believed to be the main body of the airplane.
    Last Tuesday, AirAsia confirmed the wreck was its lost plane. The passenger jet disappeared on Sunday halfway through what was supposed to be a two-hour flight from the Indonesian city of Surabaya to Singapore.
    The head of AirAsia, Tony Fernandes, said he is, "absolutely upset" at the news. Earlier he said his heart "is filled with sadness for all the families involved."
5. Where was the wreck found?
6. What did the images of the bodies show?
7. When did AirAsia confirm that the wreck was its lost plane?

选项 A、Tuesday night.
B、Sunday night.
C、Last Tuesday.
D、Last Sunday.

答案 C

解析 题目问亚航什么时候证实该残骸是其失联的飞机。录音中提到是在last Tuesday,即“上周星期二”。C项last Tuesday为该处录音的原词复现,故为答案。星期日是空难发生时间,排除B项“星期日晚”和D“上周日”。