[originaltext] In Bolivia, life is slowly returning to normal after almost a

游客2024-01-23  6

In Bolivia, life is slowly returning to normal after almost a month of demonstrations. Thousands of mainly native people—from poor peasant farmers to miners have been demanding nationalization of the country’s gas industry and calling for constitutional reform. The protesters are angry at what they see as the exploitation of Bolivia natural resources by foreign companies and governments.
    There’s a long history of the country’s rich natural resources being exploited by foreigners with little financial reward for the population, 60 percent of whom are of native origin. Many now hope the new president, Eduardo Rodriguez, may find a solution to the country’s problems.
    The new president will have more on his agenda than calling elections and deciding the future of Bolivia’s natural resources. Overcoming the shocking inequality of life in this poor country is the most serious challenge, and it seems, the only way to ensure a peaceful future.
1. What are the main demands of the demonstrators?
2. What is the most serious challenge of the new president?

选项 A、Calling a new agenda for elections.
B、Calming down the anger of the protesters.
C、Narrowing the inequality of life in Bolivia,
D、Deciding the future of Bolivia’s natural resources.

答案 C

解析 新闻的末尾提到,克服目前国内巨大的贫富差异(Overcoming the shocking inequality of life)是当下最严峻的挑战,也是唯一能确保未来和平的方法,C将新闻中的overcome换成了narrow“缩窄”,所表达的意思与新闻一致,故为答案。新闻中已明确提到,召开选举(calling elections)和决定玻利维亚自然资源的未来(deciding the future of Bolivia’s natural resources)并不是总统要紧的事,故排除A、D。B“平息抗议者的愤怒”并没有在新闻中提到。