[originaltext]A student at Hellesdon High School in Norwich, England, has been

游客2024-01-23  17

A student at Hellesdon High School in Norwich, England, has been called “Trash Girl” by bullies for her environmentally friendly ways, but that has not stopped her from cleaning up the environment.
Using the basket on her bicycle, 12-year-old Nadia Sparkes has been picking up trash along her two-mile route to and from school since September of last year, the Eastern Daily Press reports.
Despite her good intentions, some of the kids at Nadia’s school have nicknamed her “Trash Girl” and have bullied her for her selfless efforts to help the planet.
But instead of letting them bring her down, she’s using their negativity as motivation.
“I’m not going to stop doing the right thing because of them, and if they are going to call me trash girl, they can say it with respect,” she said. “I’m doing something to protect the world they also live in. It’s everyone’s job. We are all responsible for keeping this world safe, instead of believing that it’s always someone else’s job.”
Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have just heard.
3. Why do some of Nadia’s schoolmates call her “Trash Girl”?
4. What does Nadia do after she was given the nickname?

选项 A、Because she lives in a slum area.
B、Because she often wears dirty clothes.
C、Because she is too poor to buy anything.
D、Because she picks up rubbish on the road.

答案 D
