[originaltext]W: Hello, Mr. Cooper. I’m Lina Redner, sales representative for S

游客2024-01-22  8

W: Hello, Mr. Cooper. I’m Lina Redner, sales representative for Scarecrow Advertising Company.
M: I don’t think we have an appointment.
W: No, we don’t. You’ll have to excuse me for this.
M: Since you are already here, what can I do for you?
W: Well, as far as I know, your company was founded three years ago and your business has been quite good for the past two years.
M: I’m quite busy, Miss Redner. If you don’t mind, just get straight to the point.
W: OK. I believe that you must have seen a lot of S.A.C. designed TV commercials and billboards, and if we cooperate, it’ll certainly make your products better known and sold. What do you think?
M: I’m quite satisfied with the company that designs our advertisements at present.
W: Don’t say no for no’s sake, please. Here are some samples of our designs. Have a look, if you please.
M: All right... They’re pretty good but...
W: The payment we ask for is very reasonable. Besides, you won’t have the bondage of a contract. If you’re not satisfied with us, we’ll refund the money. But, of course, such a thing has never happened. We’ll redo the commercial or billboard over and over again until you’re satisfied.
M: There’s no harm in giving it a try, I think. Leave your card. I’ll call you when the next new product is ready to go on the market.
12. What is the woman trying to do in the conversation?
13. What’s the man’s reaction to the woman’s words?
14. What do we know about the man’s company?
15. What do we know about the service of the woman’s company?

选项 A、It is a company of three years.
B、It is an advertising company.
C、It has earned a lot since it was set up.
D、It specializes in selling billboards.

答案 A

解析 女士说她知道男士的公司三年前成立,且在过去两年他的生意很不错,可见选A。女士的公司才是广告公司,B不对;从女士的话中只知道男士的公司过去两年生意不错,C却说从一建立就赚了很多钱,故不选;录音中女士说她相信男士看过很多S.A.C.公司设计的电视广告和广告牌,如果他们合作,可让男士公司的产品知名度更高,销量更好,据此可推断S.A.C.公司实际上是女士的公司,故D“男士的公司专门从事卖广告牌的生意”不正确。