[originaltext]M: Excuse me?W: Yes, sir. What can I do for you?M: Two cups of

游客2024-01-22  2

M: Excuse me?
W: Yes, sir. What can I do for you?
M: Two cups of coffee and a vanilla ice-cream for our dessert, please.(8)And we’d like to pay the bill for the meal. How much is it?
W: Let me see. It should be $ 19.50.(8)I’ll get your bill for you.
M: Thank you. Is service included?
W: No, it isn’t. I hope you enjoyed your meal.
M: Oh,(9)it was lovely, especially the rose salad. Actually, if possible, would you please give my appreciation to the chef?
W: Of course. I am sure he’ll be happy to hear that. Well, you see,(10)the thing is that we are taking part in a kind of restaurant competition. We have compiled a recommendation book to collect the feedback from our guests. Your comment surely will add some points. So, would you like to take the trouble of writing down your comment?
M: No problem. I really love the dishes. I certainly will come here again and I will also recommend your restaurant to my friends.
W: Thank you very much. If you come again, I’ll register you as one of our regular customers and you know, (11)regular customers often can enjoy a twenty percent discount. By the way, would you like to pay by check or by credit card?
M: Thank you for your consideration. And here is my credit card.
W: OK, thanks. I’ll fetch your dessert and receipt so you can enjoy the coffee while filling out the recommendation book.
M: All right. And here’s the tip for you. We feel very well-served.
W: That’s very kind of you.
8. What does the man want the woman to do for him?
9. What does the man think about his meal?
10. Why does the woman ask the man to write down his comment?
11. According to the woman, what do we know about the regular customers?

选项 A、Reserve a table for dinner.
B、Buy some dessert for him.
C、Get the bill of his meal.
D、Pay for the food he ordered.

答案 C

解析 对话中男士请女士为她上甜点,并表示想要付账;女士说这顿饭一共是19.5美元,并表示她会把账单拿来的。由此可知,男士希望女士为他拿账单结账。