[originaltext]W: You know what? I read a story in the newspaper about a man who

游客2024-01-22  8

W: You know what? I read a story in the newspaper about a man who won one million dollars in the lottery.
M: What good luck! These days, I seem to have nothing but bad luck.
W: Well, you wouldn’t feel sorry for yourself when you hear what happened to the lucky man. After winning the money, he quit his job, bought houses and cars for himself and his family, and started his own business. But he’s not the business type. A few years later, his company went bankrupt. Now, he has lost all his money and his wife left him.
M: That’s too bad.
W:(12)This is yet another story of good fortune turning sour. Actually many lottery winners have sad endings. What appears to be fortune may lead to misfortune and what appears to be misfortune may lead to fortune.
M: You’re right. I have a friend Bill who was paralyzed from the neck down in a car accident. After a period of depression and despair,(13)he decided to stop feeling sorry for himself and take to writing which he used to be interested in at college. Now he is a columnist for several newspapers and he also started a website to help handicaped people.
W: That’s inspiring.(14)I always admire people who have the courage to face up to life’s challenges.
M: Yeah. Misfortune doesn’t have to stop us from living a happy life.(15)If you keep a positive attitude and don’t give up in the face of misfortune, you can turn tragedy into triumph.
12. What does the lottery winner’s story tell us?
13. What did Bill do after he got paralyzed?
14. What kind of people does the woman admire?
15. What should people do when facing misfortune?

选项 A、People who have the courage to face up to life’s challenges.
B、People who have plenty of money.
C、People who have good luck.
D、People who are kind and willing to help others.

答案 A

解析 本题问的是女士欣赏哪种人。对话中男士向女士讲述了自己的朋友Bill因车祸瘫痪后,又重新振作起来,最后成为专栏作家的感人故事,女士听后备受鼓舞,她说自己总是欣赏有勇气面对生活挑战的人。