[originaltext]M: It’s good to see you back. How was your trip to Arizona? Did y

游客2024-01-22  13

M: It’s good to see you back. How was your trip to Arizona? Did you see the Grand Canyon?
W:(9)Yes, it was fantastic. Now I know why it is listed together with the Nile River as one of the greatest natural wonders of the world. Here, are you interested in seeing the pictures I took there?
M: Oh, what a splendid view! It is even bigger than I had imagined. I remember reading about the Grand Canyon and(8)I think it said that it was formed suddenly when the outer crust of the earth split open during an earthquake.
W:(8)Well, not that quickly. Look, here is the picture of the Colorado River. See way down at the bottom of the canyon? That river and its branches have been wearing the canyon floor away for ten million years.
M:(10)Then the canyon is the result of soil losses. I’ll bet geologists have made some interesting discoveries there.
W: Not only the geologists, archaeologists have also found the bones of some extinct animals in caves in the canyon walls. In a cave 140 feet above the river, they found driftwood that dated back as far as 37 000 years.
M:(11)That means the river must have been 140 feet higher when it carried the driftwood into the cave.
W: It’s very possible, but of course who knows. The Grand Canyon is full of mysteries. Wouldn’t you like to go to Arizona some day?
M: You bet I would.
8. What are the two speakers mainly talking about?
9. How was the woman’s trip to Arizona?
10. What’s the main cause of the Grand Canyon’s formation according to the conversation?
11. What does the driftwood found in the cave indicate?

选项 A、Losses of soil.
B、Human’s destruction of nature.
C、Outbreak of an earthquake.
D、Volcanic eruption.

答案 A

解析 本题问的是大峡谷形成的主要原因。对话中女士提到科罗拉多河及其支流不断带走大峡谷的表层土壤,因此男士下结论说大峡谷是土壤流失的结果。