[originaltext]W: May I come in?M: Come in, please. Do you know what time it is

游客2024-01-22  8

W: May I come in?
M: Come in, please. Do you know what time it is?
W: It’s 8:20. I am very sorry to be late again. And I am also sorry to disturb you and others.
M: All right, what’s your excuse this time? (12)Don’t tell me your alarm didn’t go off or your watch stopped. I don’t wanna hear it!
W: Excuse me, sir. I hit the rush hour. You just cannot imagine how terrible the traffic jam is.
M: Why don’t you get up earlier to avoid this time?
W: I’m sorry, sir. (14)I indeed got up early, but my watch is 20 minutes slow.
M: I’m never late for work, you see. (15)I always set my watch 15 minutes fast every day.
W: Oh, that’s a good idea! (15)I’ll set my watch... 30 minutes fast... to avoid hitting rush hour. I promise I won’t be late in future. And I hope you could forgive me once more.
M: That’s right! (13)You are already late for work three times, if this happens again, you will be fired.
12. What was the woman’s excuse before?
13. What’s the possible relationship between the two speakers?
14. Why is the woman late?
15. How many minutes faster will the woman’s watch be than the man’s?

选项 A、Her watch didn’t work.
B、She hit the rush hour.
C、She forgot to set the alarm.
D、She felt too sick to get up.

答案 A

解析 推理判断题。男士问女士这次迟到的借口是什么,并说不要告诉他她的闹钟不响或者手表不走了,他不想听这些,从中可推断男士列举的这两个理由是女士以前迟到的借口,A属于其中之一,故为答案。她遇上上班高峰期是她这次迟到一开始给的借口,B不对;闹钟不响也有可能是闹钟坏了,不能推断出一定是女士忘了设闹钟,故不选C;对话中没有提到女士装病,排除D。