[originaltext] People spend a lot of time using phones and computers. Much o

游客2024-01-21  8

People spend a lot of time using phones and computers. Much of that time is devoted to text messages and social media. But many people choose to spend their time playing computer games.
    For years, parents and teachers have worried that these games might be addictive. And now, the World Health Organization has recognized addiction to computer games as a disease. The organization explains that this decision reflects general agreement among experts around the world that some people have a problem with these games. They show a pattern of behavior characterized by a lack of control. Such people make computer games a priority over their responsibilities. They may play games instead of attending school, or work, or socializing.
    According to the World Health Organization experts, people’s use of computer games is different from their use of the Internet, social media and online shopping. These experts claim there is not sufficient data to indicate that people’s reliance on those other activities is an addiction. But they argue that playing computer games to access is different. This behavior can become a disorder. To meet the new definition for addiction, the behavior must damage a person’s relationships or performance at school or work, and this must last for at least a year. Still not all behavior experts agree. Some argue that there’s not enough research on the subject. Thus, they claim it is too early to call computer game addiction a disorder.
    Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.
    19. What conclusion has the World Health Organization come to recently?
    20. What is said of people with addictive behavior?
    21. What do some behavior experts think of addiction to computer games?

选项 A、Social media addiction is a threat to our health.
B、Too many people are addicted to smartphones.
C、Addiction to computer games is a disease.
D、Computer games can be rather addictive.

答案 C

解析 短文开头指出,人们花大量时间玩手机和电脑游戏,家长和老师担心这些游戏会使人上瘾;接着指出,世界卫生组织已经认定电脑游戏成瘾是一种疾病。因此答案为C)。