[originaltext]W: Hi, Max. How are you? Listen. I wanted to ask you about order

游客2024-01-21  7

W: Hi, Max. How are you? Listen.  I wanted to ask you about ordering shopping online. I’ve never done it before and I know that you’ve been doing it for ages. M: Sure. I love getting my shopping delivered. It makes life so much simpler—no carrying heavy shopping bags in the rain, or trying to park the car on those huge supermarket car parks then not being able to find it again after you come out of the shops. W: But there must be some problems. I mean, how do you know that you won’t get bad fruit, or that the eggs won’t be broken?
M: Oh, come on. The food is exactly the same as the stuff you buy in a conventional shop. They aren’t going to deliver you food that is out of date. And if you get a broken egg, well, that could happen in a conventional shop, too.  If anything is really wrong, you can just take photographs of the damage, and they will give you the money back or replace the item.
W: How about delivery fees? Is it not more expensive to get everything delivered?
M: I actually found that it was cheaper for me, as I live quite far away from my local supermarket. So with the deliveries, I’m actually saving on petrol.
W: I’ve never thought of that. If you aren’t driving your own car, then you are saving on fuel. Right, you’ve convinced me. I’m going to go on the computer now and give it a try. So, which supermarket do you think is the best to order from?
M: Oh, no. That’s definitely up to you. Otherwise, we’ll be here all day.
Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
12. What did the woman want to ask Max about?
13. What does the man think is a problem with shopping in supermarkets?
14. What is the woman’s concern about shopping online?
15. What does the man find about shopping online?

选项 A、Shopping delivery.
B、Shopping online.
C、Where he goes shopping.
D、How often he does shopping.

答案 B

解析 对话开头女士开门见山,直接表明自己想咨询网上购物的相关问题,因此答案为B)。