[originaltext]W: Good morning, listeners. Today I’d like to introduce our guest

游客2024-01-21  4

W: Good morning, listeners. Today I’d like to introduce our guest speaker George Allen from the British Council, who is going to talk to us about living in the UK. George, over to you.
M: Thank you. As you are no doubt aware that the UK is becoming a popular destination for people who wish to study at university, so what I’d like to give you listeners is an insight into what living in the UK is really like.
W: What do students have to consider first before they go?
M: Finance. Britain is quite an expensive place to live in. Therefore, you need to consider costs very carefully. And one of the major expenses is tuition fees. University courses range from about 5,000 pounds to 8,000 pounds.
W: Then where should students stay?
M: As for accommodation, many people prefer to stay in the university’s hall of residence because living on campus is a lot cheaper than living off campus.
W: Then what about living off campus?
M: Well, you can rent a private house with a group of other students. If you share the cost with three or four other students, it can actually work out cheaper than a room on campus.
W: That’s good news. What is the climate like in the UK?
M: Britain is famous for its bad weather and for good reasons. It rains often in the UK, and even in the summer it can still be quite cold. So take plenty of warm clothes.
W: George, you have given us valuable advice on living in the UK. It’s very beneficial to our listeners. Thanks a lot.
M: It’s my pleasure.
Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
12. What is one of the major costs for students studying in the UK according to the man?
13. What does the man say about accommodation?  
14. Why does the man suggest students rent a private house with others?
15. What is the climate like in the UK according to the man?

选项 A、Register fees.
B、Travel costs.
C、 Entertainment expenses.
D、 Tuition fees.

答案 D
