[originaltext] Billionaire Bill Gates has made a $ 100 million investment to

游客2024-01-21  6

Billionaire Bill Gates has made a $ 100 million investment to help researchers find a cure for Alzheimer’s. The brain disease causes people to slowly lose their memory and mental abilities as they grow old. Gates, the co-founder of Microsoft, said he has given $50 million to the Dementia Discovery Fund. The London-based fund aims to bring business and government together to seek treatments for the brain-wasting disease. Another $50 million will go to start-up groups working in Alzheimer’s research, Gates said. The money is a personal donation and not from his charitable organization, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
    "The disease is a huge problem, a growing problem, and the scale of the tragedy—even for the people who stay alive—is very high," Gates told the Reuters news agency. Despite many years of research, scientists have not found a treatment that can slow the progression of Alzheimer’s. Current drugs can do no more than ease some of the effects. But Gates said he is hopeful that treatments can be found, even if they might still be more than 10 years away. Gates’ usual health focus is on helping fight infectious diseases in poorer countries. He said Alzheimer’s became his mission partly for personal reasons, and partly because it has been so difficult to find effective treatment. Some men in his family have suffered from Alzheimer’s, he said. In a blog post about the investments, Gates wrote, "I know how awful it is to watch people you love struggle as the disease robs them of their mental capacity. It feels a lot like you’re experiencing a gradual death of the person that you knew. "
    Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.
    22. What does the Dementia Discovery Fund aim to do?
    23. How much did Bill Gates give to start-up groups working in Alzheimer’s research? 24. What does the speaker say about the research on Alzheimer’s?
    25. What is Gates’ usual health focus on?

选项 A、Find private funds to help those with brain-wasting disease.
B、Call on medical research groups to help those with brain-wasting disease.
C、Call on the government to help those with brain-wasting disease.
D、Unite business and government together to help those with brain-wasting disease.

答案 D
