[originaltext]W: Tonight, we have Chris Anderson, the owner of TED and TED Talk

游客2024-01-21  7

W: Tonight, we have Chris Anderson, the owner of TED and TED Talks, to talk to us how to give a public talk. Welcome!
M: Thank you. Well, the process of one human speaking to others has deep biological roots. We have evolved these techniques over hundreds of thousands of years, but someone still gets nervous when giving public talks.
W: True. What are your suggestions then?
M: The single most important thing to do, if you have to give an important talk in a limited period of time, is get rid of 90% of what you think you want to talk about. Pick the one thing that is most important to you, and make it the through-line of your talk.
W: Some people memorize their talk, every word, I mean. Is that a good method?
M: There’s a trap in doing that, because if you sound like you’re reciting, that takes away the authenticity, actually.
W: That is a good point. A lifetime of work, condensed over a few hundred hours of prep into 12, 13, 14, 18minutes, must be quite challenging.
M: Sure. A key question to ask before you give a talk is, "Why am I doing this?" Many speakers come, thinking "This is my opportunity. I have got this agenda that I want to promote these people. "
W: I guess the smart audience will see through that in a moment.
M: Yes. So instead, think that you’re bringing a gift, and focus the whole talk on that. Every story you tell is in service of that idea, of that gift.
W: OK. Thank you for sharing your knowledge about this.
M: My pleasure.
Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
12. What is the most important thing for a public talk?   
13. What is the disadvantage of reciting?   
11. Why does the woman say that public talks are quite challenging?  
15. What is the man’s advice to those speakers who want to promote people?

选项 A、Having a good preparation.
B、Reciting everything fluently.
C、Focusing on the one most important thing.
D、Having a rehearsal if possible.

答案 C
