[originaltext]W: Now we have Adam Grant, a psychologist at Wharton Business Sch

游客2024-01-21  8

W: Now we have Adam Grant, a psychologist at Wharton Business School with his new book Option B.
M: Thank you. I read a study days ago which showed that highly creative adults grew up in families where their parents argued more, not only argued more, but argued reasonably in front of their children.
W: As a mom, I just thought that was something you’re never supposed to do.
M: Well, the more I read about this research, the more I realized that if you never disagree in front of your kids, they think there’s one right answer to everything, whereas if they see you argue, they realize that there might be multiple perspectives on a problem, and they have to learn to think for themselves.
W: I see. Are there any rules for this sort of arguing?
M: Yes, there are a few rules for good arguing.  One is to argue like you’re right, but listen like you’re wrong. Instead of arguing to win, you can argue to learn. And the key is you have to acknowledge when your opponent has made a good point.
W: I think most of us are terrible at hearing criticism. Think about what happens to you physically. Your shoulders start to tense. Your body tightens up. Your heart races. And you just feel like you’re being physically attacked.
M: Yes. I have advice on this. And it only takes 23 words: "I am giving you these comments because I have very high expectations of you, and I am confident that you can reach them. "It changes the conversation. Instead of saying "this person is about to attack me," the person receiving the feedback says "this person is trying to help me."
W: Sounds quite enlightening!
Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
12. What did the study the man read show about highly creative adults?
13. What do kids learn from disagreements between their parents?
14. What is the key to good arguing?
15. How would we react physically when we hear criticism?

选项 A、They grew up in highly harmonious families.
B、They grew up in families with fierce arguments.
C、They grew up in families with reasonable arguments.
D、They grew up in relatively stable families.

答案 C
