[originaltext]W: Hi, I’m new here, and I was wondering [9]how I could get a lib

游客2024-01-21  6

W: Hi, I’m new here, and I was wondering [9]how I could get a library card.
M: Well, [9]if you are a regular student you can use your student I.D. card as a library card. If not, you would apply at the loan office.  
W: What exactly can I borrow? I mean, [9]can I take anything out from the library?  
M: Well, you can borrow almost everything including books and multimedia materials. But you cannot take out any serial like journals and magazines, and you may not take out books or multimedia if they have a not-for-loan status.  
W: Can you tell me something about the recall system here? My friend tells me if a book gets recalled, you have to bring them back right away, is that true?  
M: Oh, [10]certainly not right away, but you do have to take it back within seven days of the recall notice. The reason we have this system is because that sometimes students need certain material urgently.  
W: But what If you can’t contact me?  
M: If we cannot contact you by phone or by letter, [11]we will contact the department that you are registered in and have a recall notice delivered to your teacher.  
W: The last question—how much are the fines, by any chance?  
M: Thirty cents a day. So, take care not to be late.  
W: I think I’m quite clear now. Thanks a lot! Bye-bye.  
M: Bye.  
8.Where does the conversation most probably take place?
9.How can a regular student borrow books from the library?
10.What does the borrower have to do if the book is recalled?
11.What will the library do if a student can’t receive a recall notice?

选项 A、By applying from the department.
B、By lending journals and magazines.
C、By applying at the loan office.
D、By using his student I.D. card.

答案 D

解析 女士问怎样办图书馆的借书证(library card),男士回答说如果是正式的学生(regular students),可以用学生卡,也就是说正式学生可以通过学生卡借书,D正确。
②对话没有提到要向系里申请图书卡,A不对。B仅利用对话中的journals and magazines作干扰,“借出期刊和杂志”不是借书的条件。从男士的回答可知只有非正式学生才需要向贷款办公室申请。C与问题中的a regular student不对应。