[originaltext]W: Help! Help! (12)I want to report a case of theft to you. I los

游客2024-01-21  4

W: Help! Help! (12)I want to report a case of theft to you. I lost my wallet.
M: (12)Calm down, sit down and tell me what I want to know. First, when and where was your wallet stolen?
W: Well, I think it’s stolen when I was taking the bus during the rush hour this afternoon, maybe on the Bus No. 112.
M: Can you tell me what’s in your wallet?
W: Yes, some cards and some cash.
M: Could you recall how you lost your wallet? Have you seen the suspected pickpocket?
W: Not clearly. (13) While I was standing in the front enjoying the passing beautiful scenes, I vaguely felt someone touching the back pocket of my pants. (14)I thought the fast bus might throw the passengers off balance so he unconsciously touched it, which I paid no attention to. M: What did he look like? W: It seems to me all the Westerners look the same. (15) In my eyes, he was a man of medium height, well shaved and cleanly dressed.
M: Please fill in this form, especially make clear your contact phone number so that we can contact you easily.
W: OK. Do you think it possible for me to retrieve my stolen wallet?
M: Well, I have kept a record of the case and we will give you the result as soon as possible.
  12. Where does this conversation most probably take place?
  13. What was the woman doing when the theft happened?
  14. Why did the woman pay no attention to the pickpocket’s touch?
  15. What does the suspected pickpocket look like?

选项 A、He is a man of medium height with a shaver in his hand.
B、He is a handsome and well-dressed man.
C、He is a tall and neatly-dressed man.
D、He is a man of medium height in clean clothes.

答案 D

解析 男士问女士嫌疑人的长相如何。女士说他中等身材,是一个脸面修得干净、穿着整洁的男子。