[originaltext]  A Palestinian woman has won an international teaching prize, ea

游客2024-01-21  9

  A Palestinian woman has won an international teaching prize, earning her $ 1 million dollars. Given to one teacher every year, the Global Teacher Prize is an award that recognizes a teacher who has made a contribution to the teaching profession.
  (5)Hanan Al-Hroub, a teacher from the West Bank, won the Global Teacher Prize on Sunday. The nine other finalists came from the United States, Pakistan, Kenya, Japan, India, Finland, Australia and Britain. (6) Pope Francis announced the award in a video. He talked about the importance of education and teachers, especially for children who have seen violence. Pope Francis said teachers were the builders of peace and unity.
  AI-Hroub told the Associated Press that she felt amazing and she still couldn’t believe that the Pope said her name. For an Arab-Palestinian teacher to talk to the world today and to reach the highest peak in teaching could be an example for teachers around the world. (7) At the award ceremony in Dubai, Al-Hroub told the audience that teachers could change the world.
  5. What did Al-Hroub win?
  6. What did Pope Francis talk about during the ceremony?
  7. What did Al-Hroub tell the audience at the ceremony?

选项 A、The significance of winning the prize.
B、The problems that children are facing.
C、The importance of education and teachers.
D、The life stories of the winner.

答案 C

解析 新闻中提到,教皇通过视频颁布了获奖者的名单。并且他谈到了教育和教师的重要性,对那些曾目睹过暴力事件的孩子们来说教育和教师尤其重要。