[originaltext]M: Hi, Sally. Welcome back- How was the West Coast?W: Terrific.

游客2024-01-21  4

M: Hi, Sally. Welcome back- How was the West Coast?
W: Terrific. It was really nice to get away from the city for a while.
M: What did you think of L. A. ?
W: It’s very clean and spacious, and it’s got lots of trees. (12)The problem is transportation. The bus service is terrible and there is no subway, so it’s a little difficult to get around.
M: And what did you see?
W: We took a drive around Hollywood and looked at the stars’ homes and then we went to Universal Studios and Disneyland.
M: How did you like Disneyland?
W: Great! We really enjoyed it. We took all the rides, some of them twice and had lots of fun. I felt just like a kid again.
M: Was the weather good?
W: (13)It was nice and warm in L. A. , and cool but comfortable in San Francisco.
M: Cool in San Francisco? That’s surprising.
W: Yeah, it surprised us a bit, too. We didn’t take any sweaters or anything.  But they say it’s always like that in August. Anyway, I just loved it.  It’s probably the most beautiful town in the US.
M: So, you liked it better than L. A.?
W: Oh, yes. (14)There’s much more to see and do. And because it’s smaller than L. A. , it’s a lot easier to get around.
M: What did you like best about San Francisco?
W: Oh, I don’t know. It’s hard to say. I liked Golden Gate Park and Fisherman’s Wharf. (15)But, most of all, I liked the cable car ride—that was the most fun. 12. What can we learn about the transportation of L. A. ?
  13. What was the weather like in San Francisco?
  14. Why does the woman prefer San Francisco to L. A. ?
  15. What does the woman like best about San Francisco?

选项 A、It was fine and sunny.
B、It was nice and warm.
C、It was cool but comfortable.
D、It was a bit depressing.

答案 C

解析 男士问女士天气状况怎么样。女士说洛杉矶的天气温暖宜人,旧金山的天气凉爽舒适。听录音时注意不要混淆两个城市的天气状况。