[originaltext]M: So Monica, this week we’re going to talk about technology and

游客2024-01-21  6

M: So Monica, this week we’re going to talk about technology and how technology changes patterns of our reading. Do you think you read fewer books now because of the Internet?
W: I don’t think I read fewer books now because of the Internet.
M: So you don’t think that the Internet eats into reading time at all—at least for you?
W: I would have to say no, because I use the Internet for slightly different reasons. (12)I use the Internet to check my e-mail and communicate with my friends. So yeah, I don’t think it has impacted the amount that I read.
M: Yeah, you see, for me I think it’s the exact opposite. (13)I read everything online, and occasionally I’ll still buy a newspaper but I’ve completely stopped reading books. (14)I think I’m not alone because I’ve read of other people who say that they’ve stopped reading books because they’re so used to reading online now and that reading a book isn’t as enjoyable as it used to be.
W: Oh, I have to say that I have stopped reading newspapers in hard copy form. (12)I tend to check the news items on the websites, so, yeah, in that regard, I do read less than I used to.
M: So you buy newspapers quite rarely?
W: Yeah, exactly. (15)I’m also concerned about the environment. I sort of feel that if I can get the news from the Internet, then I’ll save some trees from being cut down and printed into newspapers.
M: Yeah, that’s a good way to look at it.
  12. Which is one of the purposes of the woman in using the Internet?
  13. What can we learn about the man’s reading habit?
  14. What does the man mean by saying "I’m not alone"?
  15. Why does the woman rarely buy newspapers now?

选项 A、He doesn’t feel lonely when reading books.
B、He doesn’t feel lonely when reading online.
C、He is not the only one who doesn’t like reading.
D、He is not the only one who has stopped reading books.

答案 D

解析 对话中男士提到,除了偶尔买份报纸,他基本上已经完全不读书了,他认为自己“并不是唯一一个这样的”,因为他曾经看到过有人由于习惯于网络阅读而不再读书,且认为读书不再像以前一样有趣了。由此可知,男士想表达的意思是他并不是唯一一个不再读书的人。