If you’re struggling to drop pounds, finding out your personality traits may

游客2024-01-20  10

问题     If you’re struggling to drop pounds, finding out your personality traits may help you make it easier.
    Whether you’re the life of the party, a bookworm, or a night owl, your personality plays a【C1】________large role in your ability to slim down. Follow this guide to discover your personality type and use your own characteristics to lose weight.
    Being a little stuck on yourself may not be such a bad thing when trying to lose weight. "Self-centered people【C2】________to consider their own interests, which could lead them to better conserve their energy and have more willpower to make【C3】________choices," says Heidi Hanna, PhD, a performance coach People-pleasers, on the other hand, may get overly stressed about helping everyone else and find themselves depleted (筋疲力尽的) at the end of the day. This often triggers 【C4】________food choices, says Hanna. Instead, practice being more "selfish" in asking for what you want and sticking to it without feeling【C5】________Meet friends after your workout instead of【C6】________your exercise plans, or ask them to join you.
    Outgoing people incline to allow stress to accumulate to the point that’s known as "amygdala hijack (突发过激反应)," says Hanna. This is where we【C7】________the more basic, primitive part of our brain versus our more human pre-frontal cortex (前额皮层). "The latter allows us to consider our longer-term【C8】________and make healthier choices," says Hanna. This pleasure-based eating has been shown to trigger an addictive response that often【C9】________to overeating high-calorie, high-fat comfort foods. "If you enjoy being the center of【C10】________, try putting yourself in social situations that don’t involve food," suggests Art Markman, PhD, professor of psychology at the University of Texas.
    A) aspect          F) following         K) merely
    B) attention       G) goals             L) poor
    C) canceling       H) guilty            M) surprisingly
    D) causes          I) healthy           N) utilize
    E) deep            J) leads             O) tend [br] 【C4】


答案 L

解析 形容词辨析题。空格位于名词词组food choices前面,作其定语。本句及前一句大意是:汉娜指出,另一方面,乐于替别人着想的人可能会由于帮助别人而压力过大,一天下来把自己弄得筋疲力尽,这经常导致________饮食选择。由on the other hand可以推断,Self-centered people与People-pleasers形成对比,前者能保存精力,作出健康的选择,而后者筋疲力尽,饮食选择应该就不那么健康了,结合备选项,本空填poor“差的”最合适。