Turn on Channel V and you might find a singer in a baseball cap , baggy jean

游客2024-01-20  11

问题     Turn on Channel V and you might find a singer in a baseball cap , baggy jeans and a big T -shirt rapping(说唱). While listening to hip -hop, it’s easy to swing your body to the rhythm, even if you have no idea what the lyrics(歌词)are about.
    Hip - hop today is a worldwide movement. According to American professor S. Craig Wat-kins, hip - hop music is a way to behave and an attitude. He says hip - hop is a rebellious voice that resonates(共鸣)with young people.
    71. While American rappers have been popular in China since the 1990s, homegrown rap didn’t gain a following until a decade later. The group Yincang is one of the pioneers of Chinese rap. It is made up of music lovers from both sides of the Pacific Ocean: a Beijinger, a Chinese -Canadian and two Americans.
    " The big change was when rappers started writing lyrics in Chinese, so people could understand, " said Zhong Cheng, 27, a member of the group who was raised in Canada but born in Beijing, where he returned in 1997. " Before that, kids listened to hip - hop in English but maybe less than 1 percent could actually understand it. "
    Yincang’s first hit song was In Beijing. It sets a melody played on the Chinese traditional music instrument erhu against a hip - hop beat. The song is an insider’s look at Beijing’s sights and sounds, such as traditional Siheyuan courtyard complexes, the bar area in Houhai, the Guijie food street and the clothes market near the zoo.
    However, making Chinese hip - hop is still relatively profitless. Members of Yincang still struggle to pay the bills after seven years together. But they haven’t stopped making hip - hop. [br] When did Chinese rap become popular?

选项 A、In the 1990s.
B、In 1997.
C、In the 21’st century.
D、In the 20th century.

答案 C

解析 此题为推断题。第三段第一句说“从上世纪90年代起,美国的rap一直在中国流行,但国内自己的rap 10年后才流行起来”,也就是2000年后。因此可以推断是在21世纪。