Traditionally, universities have carried out two main activities: research a

游客2024-01-19  6

问题     Traditionally, universities have carried out two main activities: research and teaching. Any experts would argue that both these activities play a critical role in serving the community. The fundamental question, however, is how does the community want or need to be served?
    In recent years universities have been coming under increasing pressure from both the governments and the public to ensure that they do not remain "ivory towers(象牙塔)" of study separated from the realities of everyday life. University teachers have been encouraged, and in some cases compelled, to provide more courses which produce graduates with the technical skills required for the commercial use. If Aristotle wanted to work in university in the UK today, he would have a good chance of teaching computer science but would not be so readily employable as a philosopher.
    A post-industrial society requires large numbers of computer programmers, engineers, managers and technicians to maintain and develop its economic growth but "man" , as the Bible says, "does not live by bread alone. " Apart from requiring medical and social services, which do not directly contribute to economic growth, the society should also value and enjoy literature, music and the arts. In these cost-conscious times, it has even been pointed out in justification for the funding of the arts that they can be useful money earners. A successful musical play, for instance, can contribute as much to the Gross National Product through tourist dollars as any other things. [br] It can be inferred from the second paragraph that ______.

选项 A、society is not satisfied with the present college education
B、interference from the government is unwelcome
C、teachers are forced to do what they don’t like to do
D、it’ s a mistake for universities to teach courses of no commercial use

答案 A

解析 此段第一句表明了社会对大学现状的不满,后几句是社会对大学教学施加的压力。不能选C,文中没有这样说。