Twenty-six years ago, Muhammad Yunus, a Bangladeshi economics teacher, was v

游客2024-01-18  14

问题     Twenty-six years ago, Muhammad Yunus, a Bangladeshi economics teacher, was visiting a village when he met a woman who made bamboo baskets. She couldn’t afford to buy the bamboo to make the baskets, so she had to borrow the money from the bamboo sellers and then pay them a large part of the profit from each one she sold. There was so little money left for her to keep that she couldn’t afford to buy more bamboo, so she had to borrow more money. And so the cycle continued with no way out for her.
    She couldn’t borrow money from friends or family because they were as poor as she was. She couldn’t borrow from the bank because she had no land to guarantee that she would pay back the loan. Yunus went around the village and found 41 people who were in the same position—trapped in a cycle of poverty with no escape. When he added up the amount of money that they needed to break free from the cycle, it came out to just twenty seven dollars. As Yunus says, — I felt ashamed of myself for being part of a society which could not provide even 27 dollars for 41 hard-working, skilled human beings.
    He lent them the money and told them to pay it back whenever they could. He got all of it back, so he went to other villages and did the same thing. He always got his money back. The official banks didn’t want to get involved in what he was doing, so Yunus started his own bank. The Grameen bank was born, and with it there is a new approach to lending money-micro-credit.
    The bank now lends over a billion dollars to more than two million borrowers, 96% of them women, and involving more than half of the villages in Bangladesh. The repayment is 99%. The rural economy of the country has improved gready since the bank started. And the success has spread. This year it was estimated that there are now over 7 ,000 micro-credit organizations in the world, lending to over 16 million of the poorest people. [br] The best title for this passage is"______".

选项 A、Mubammed Yunus’ Experience
B、Grameen Bank and Micro-credit
C、Money Loan
D、Villagers in Bangladesh

答案 B

解析 (本文的最佳标题是什么?)本文通过经济学教师Yunus一次特殊的经历,揭示了农村一种特殊的经济现象,随之诞生的是Grameen银行及新的贷款制度。作者行文的目的是说明Grameen银行及微贷款制度是怎样诞生的,所以最能概括作者意图的是选项B,而其他选项过于肤浅或笼统。