David: Hey. What are you doing this weekend?Frank: I don’t have any plans.【D5】_

游客2024-01-17  7

问题 David: Hey. What are you doing this weekend?
Frank: I don’t have any plans.【D5】______
David: I am going to my uncle’ s cottage in the countryside.
Frank: That sounds like fun. Who else is going?
David:【D6】______Many other people are invited, too.
Frank: What will we do?
David: We will cook dinner on the grill, play games, and enjoy the scenery. It is very beautiful. The air is very fresh and at night you can see the stars very well. And we will roast marsh-mallows.
David: So you will come then?
Frank: Yes. I will come.
David: Great!
Frank: Thank you for inviting me.
David: You are welcome.
A. My brother and his girlfriend are coming.
B. I love marshmallows!
C. Can I go with you?
D. Why? [br] 【D6】

选项 A、 

答案 A

解析 空格6内容应是大卫对弗兰克“Who else is going?”(“还有谁去”)的回答,故选A。