Mark: There is a sailor there. I’m going to ask that sailor if he knows where I

游客2024-01-17  6

问题 Mark: There is a sailor there. I’m going to ask that sailor if he knows where I can find a boat to Mosquito City.
Sailor: Yeah. What can I do for you, buddy?
Sailor: Mosquito City. Oh! Wow! Well, it’s a great place, Mosquito City, buddy!
Mark: Ok, so I want to go there.【D3】______
Sailor: No, but if you walk about a mile to your left, you will come across a big banana boat.
Mark: A banana boat? ...that direction?
Sailor: Yeah, just ask for John. He is a friend of mine. Ok?【D4】______
Mark: Ok. Ok. Good on you.
A. He will take you there.
B. I want to go to Mosquito City.
C. Excuse me!
D. Can I go there on your boat? [br] 【D3】

选项 A、 

答案 D

解析 空格3后的No表明它需要填入的是一个一般疑问句,在剩下的两个选项中唯有D合适,且意义也切合语境。故选D。