We use plastics( )wood and metal now.A、to take placeB、to take ofC、take the pla

游客2024-01-17  11

问题 We use plastics( )wood and metal now.

选项 A、to take place
B、to take of
C、take the place of
D、in place of

答案 D

解析 短语辨析。take the place of接替,如:There is no one suitable to take Bill’s place when he leaves.比尔离职后没有人适合接替他。in place of代替,如:Dave was ill,So I went to the conference in his place.戴夫病了,所以我代替他参加了会议。前者有完全取代之意,后者只是暂时的,因此in place of符合句意。