Passenger A: Excuse me, is this seat taken?Passenger B: No, I don’ t think so.

游客2024-01-17  15

问题 Passenger A: Excuse me, is this seat taken?
Passenger B: No, I don’ t think so.
Passenger A: Thanks. 【D1】______Where will you go?
Passenger B: What a coincidence! 【D2】______
Passenger A: Really? What is your seat number?
Passenger B: 【D3】______And you?
Passenger A: I am on the third row, No. 10.
Passenger B: Could you please keep an eye on my luggage? 【D4】______
Passenger A: No problem.
Passenger B: Thank you so much.
A. I want to go to the washroom.
B. I am waiting for the train at 9 o’ clock to Shanghai.
C. No. 5 on the second row.
D. We are the same train. [br] 【D3】

选项 A、 

答案 C

解析 乘客B问:“你座位几号?”且根据“And you?”和答语“我第三排10号。”可知此 处应该是乘客A回答自己的座位,又问乘客B的位置,故选C。