Speaker A: Bob, ______? Speaker B: You must be kidding. Last time you almost mad

游客2024-01-17  14

问题 Speaker A: Bob, ______? Speaker B: You must be kidding. Last time you almost made me ball.

选项 A、shall I cut your hair for you
B、are you going to have a hair cut
C、you look really smart in such a style of hair
D、can I help you with your hair

答案 A

解析 做这道题应用反推法。即英语中说的back-sequence。从说话者B的回应“你 在开玩笑吧!上一回你差点儿把我剃成秃瓢了。”由此反推,说话者A的问话应为选项A,即提议: 给说话者B理发。