Lodger: Hello, I am calling about the three-bedroom apartment advertised in the

游客2024-01-16  10

问题 Lodger: Hello, I am calling about the three-bedroom apartment advertised in the newspaper.
Landlady: Yes it is. Would you like to have a look at it?

选项 A、Is it still available?
B、Is it occupied?
C、Is there anyone in?
D、Is there a possibility?

答案 A

解析 本题考查打电话用语。打电话是为了问报纸上刊登的租房信息,后面房东回答说Yes it is,所以前面应该是问房子还能不能租。A,Is it still available(它还能租吗?)是正确选项。available,可以利用的,空闲的;occupied,占用的,忙的。