John: Firstly, allow me to introduce myself. My name is John Brown, manager of t

游客2024-01-16  11

问题 John: Firstly, allow me to introduce myself. My name is John Brown, manager of the company.
Charles : ___

选项 A、You must he mistaken. I don’t know you at all.
B、Hello, Brown! I haven’t seen yon for ages.
C、How do you do, Mr. Brown? Very happy to see you.
D、Hi, John! Welcome to China.

答案 C

解析 本题考查初次见面打招呼的对话场景。从Firstly,allow me to introduce myself这句可以看出,这是他们初次见面。A完全不符合句意。B中的I haven’t seen you for ages(好久不见)是好久才见面的熟人打招呼的用语。D中的Hi也不适用于初次见面,显得不礼貌。C中的How do you do用于初次见面打招呼,所以正确答案选C。