Clerk: Welcome to Cafe Greenery. Did you make any reservation? May I have your n

游客2024-01-16  3

问题 Clerk: Welcome to Cafe Greenery. Did you make any reservation? May I have your name please?
Customer: Kathleen Fox. ______

选项 A、Have you found it?
B、Could you give us the seats next to the window?
C、I have been your customer for long.
D、Haven’t you found it?

答案 B

解析 本题考查在公共场所预定位置的对话。工作人员问到是否有预定,然后问名字。顾客在报出名字后,不管是像A那样问找到没有还是像D那样问怎么还没有找到,都不是很礼貌。在B和C中,选项C没来由地跟工作人员套近乎,不礼貌;而B继续问订位置的事情,更符合句意,所以选B。