Speaker A: I’d like to book a ticket for next Monday morning to New York. Speak

游客2024-01-16  6

问题 Speaker A: I’d like to book a ticket for next Monday morning to New York.
Speaker B: ______

选项 A、What can I do for you?
B、What’s the matter?
C、At your service.
D、Just a second, please.

答案 D

解析 本题考查订票时的对话。已经说明了是要订下周一早上到纽约的票,所以A和B问得很多余,故排除。C的At your service(愿意为您效劳)是用在别人感谢你的服务时的应答语,用在这里小合适。D中Just a second,please(请稍等)则很好地回应了别人的要求,故选D。