Many ancient tombs have been stolen by thieves and the treasures inside were los

游客2024-01-16  14

问题 Many ancient tombs have been stolen by thieves and the treasures inside were lost. ______this is a matter of regret.

选项 A、No wonder
B、No way
C、No problem
D、No doubt

答案 D

解析 本题考查形近词组的辨析。前面一句的大意是说“很多古墓都被窃贼偷了,因此里面的财宝也就丢了”。no wonder,难怪;no way,没门;no problem,没问题。都不太通顺。no doubt(毫无疑问)接上后半句,说这是一件很遗憾的事,句意完整,因此D为正确选项。