Doctor: Well, what can we do for you today? Patient: Oh, I’m an infection in my

游客2024-01-16  10

问题 Doctor: Well, what can we do for you today? Patient: Oh, I’m an infection in my gum, Doctor.
Doctor: In your gum?
Patient: Up here. I’ve some tablets and, er, I don’t know.
Doctor:【D8】______ Aye, the Sofradex is not doing very much for that, is it?
Patient: I’ve never taken them. I’ve just, I stop taking them.
Doctor: Aye, I don’t think they’ re doing very much to you.
Patient:【D9】______ Doctor.
Doctor: Aye.
Patient: I’ m just wondering if it’ s my teeth or that it’ s just my blood that’ s doing it.
Doctor: I think it might be the teeth. It’d be worth getting the dentist to have a look at your plate.
Doctor: Yes, yes. Keep on with those just now.
Patient: Yes. Aye, two four, one or two four times a day.
Doctor: Yes, one four times a day.
Patient: Fine, yeah.
A. It’s been painting me all night,
B. Let’s have a look and see what they’ve done to you.
C. Do I take these Sofradex is they’re prescribed here, Doctor?
D. What’s wrong with me, Doctor? [br] 【D10】

选项 A、 

答案 C

解析 根据下文中医生说到让病人继续服用,可知上一句是说到服药这个话题,C选项“我是否要按照您的处方服用Sofradex?”符合题意,故选C。