It’ s common knowledge that today’ s workplace is more volatile(易变的)than it

游客2024-01-15  13

问题     It’ s common knowledge that today’ s workplace is more volatile(易变的)than it once was. One has to know how to make the necessary changes to compete in this new, high-tech world.
    The Career Coach offers experienced advice and strategies that people are increasingly turning to professional career advisers to get.
    Written by Gordon Miller, the book is aimed at job seekers, people reentering the workforce and those farther along their career paths.
    It gives advice on how to search for a job or change jobs(or industries)successfully in today’ s job market. You’ll learn how to conduct a good interview, and how to free yourself from the constraints of the traditional resume.
    It also has advice on how to become a good performer at the job you currently have, and the right way and time to ask for a raise or a promotion.
    There are strategies for improving job performance within a company and how to shape your career to secure a future in an ever-changing economy.
    The book is filled with countless stories about people who, with a little coaching, were able to steer their careers in a new direction: a mediocre salesman turns into an excellent performer by learning to use his time more wisely; a recent college graduate wins a key position in a high-tech company, etc. [br] Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

选项 A、People usually turn to career advisers for career advice.
B、The author of the book is a successful businessman.
C、The book is only suitable for people who are hunting a job.
D、The book offers many examples of successful executives.

答案 A

解析 推理判断题,本题用排除法作答。由文章第二段可以推知人们通常向职业规划师们寻求职业建议,故A项正确。B项说这本书的作者是一个成功的商人,文中并没有提到。C项说这本书只适合那些找工作的人,表述不全面,第三段提到这本书适合那些找工作的,那些想要重新投入劳动力大军的人和那些想要拓展职业道路的人们。D项与文章最后一段表述不符,本书未给出许多成功的总监的例子。故选A。