"Millions do it". In this sentence "do it" refers to_____. [br] It is a delight

游客2024-01-15  11

问题 "Millions do it". In this sentence "do it" refers to_____. [br] It is a delight to fly at the Pole because there______.

选项 A、planes fly higher than at the equator
B、the eyes can reach about 4,000 meters
C、planes are clear of bad weather
D、planes fly more quickly than at the equator

答案 C

解析 答案依据第一段倒数第一句:At 4,000 meters and more above…the eye can reach."在地球上空4000米和更高的地方,在你目力所及的地方你永远不会在天空上看到任何云朵"。这就是说天气很好,利于飞行,飞行起来很惬意(it is a delight to fly),所以C项"飞机遇不到坏天气"正确。