According to this passage, intelligence is ______. [br] The author of this passa

游客2024-01-15  12

问题 According to this passage, intelligence is ______. [br] The author of this passage will probably continue to talk about ______.

选项 A、how to determine what intelligence is
B、how education should be found
C、how to solve practical problems
D、how an unintelligent person should be taught

答案 D

解析 本题主要考查的是考生的推断能力及对文章主旨的把握。因为前三段分别谈到了一个聪明的人会有什么样的行为表现,并举例说了聪明的人失败后会怎样,聪明和不聪明的儿童有什么不同。那么接下来应该会说如何对不够聪明的人进行教育使其具有智慧。A和C已经提到,B泛泛地谈了教育,不正确。