Kay wanted to pull her hair out ______ because her busy schedule did not allow t

游客2024-01-15  15

问题 Kay wanted to pull her hair out ______ because her busy schedule did not allow time for relaxation.

选项 A、in amusement
B、with excitement
C、in frustration
D、with boredom

答案 C

解析 本题考查介词短语辨析。句意:凯非常沮丧,想要发飙,因为她的日程安排太满,没有时间休息放松。in amusement“以娱乐的方式”;with excitement“带着激动的心情”;in frustration“沮丧”;with boredom“无聊,烦闷”。pull one’s hair out意为“生气,发怒”。根据句意,本题选C。