Speaker A: Waiter, ______ Speaker B: Wait a minute, sir. That’ s $80 altogether.

游客2024-01-15  11

问题 Speaker A: Waiter, ______ Speaker B: Wait a minute, sir. That’ s $80 altogether.

选项 A、Would you charge me?
B、Menu, please?
C、Would you take the money?
D、May I have the bill, please?

答案 D

解析 本题考查付账的场景。根据对话中“一共80美元”可知,顾客是要结账。因此,可以排除选项B(请让我看下菜单吧?)。而选项A中的charge me和选项C中的take the money都属于中式表达,不符合英语的表达习惯。只有选项D(请问我可以看下账单吗?)表达委婉、礼貌,故本题选D。