Researchers in Britain are telling schools that children should be doing more

游客2024-01-15  9

问题    Researchers in Britain are telling schools that children should be doing more learning outdoors. The researchers say there is currently too【C1】______focus on sitting in classrooms to pass exams. They say outdoor learning is【C2】______for students’ social skills, health and development. It also【C3】______their quality of life. There have been five major reports over the past decade that stress the need for students to learn outdoors and experience nature more. The researchers say that schools are not taking the【C4】______of these reports. They say, outdoor learning is【C5】______the decline in Britain. The researchers want Britain’ s government to act to put outdoor learning on the curriculum of all schools.
   The report is from researchers at the University of Plymouth. It says there are many benefits of outdoor learning for children. One advantage is【C6】______it builds confidence in children as they experience things that were【C7】______for their parents, like climbing trees. Another advantage is that it makes children more【C8】______of the environment and teaches them to【C9】______nature. There are also health benefits as children exercise more【C10】______sitting in a classroom or being at home with video games. [br] 【C1】

选项 A、much

答案 A

解析 本题考查不定代词及不可数名词。focus是不可数名词,所以,排除many和few。根据上下文,这里表达的意思是:现在,学校太专注于让孩子们坐在教室里,只是为了通过考试。所以本题选A。