In 1950, Helena Rubinstein was one of the richest women in the world. She sta

游客2024-01-14  12

问题    In 1950, Helena Rubinstein was one of the richest women in the world. She started with nothing. She had no money, no education, and no one to help her. All she had were 12 jars of face cream and a lot of energy and ambition. She turned there into a multimillion-dollar cosmetics (化妆品) empire.
   Helena Rubinstein was born in 1870 in Krakow, Poland. She was the oldest of eight girls. Helena ’ s mother thought that beauty was very important. She used a special skin cream that a foreign chemist made for her. Helena’ s mother made all of her daughters use it too.
   Helena’ s father wanted her to be a doctor. But she hated medicine and left school. Her father was very angry. Then he wanted her to get married, but she refused. In 1992, she went to Melbourne, Australia, to live with a cousin and an uncle. She took only her clothes and 12 jars of face cream.
   Helena didn’ t speak English. She had no money and no plans. After she arrived, everyone noticed her beautiful skin. In Australia, the hot and dry weather is very bad for the skin. When she told some of the women about the face cream, they all wanted some. Helena sold them her cream and then ordered more.
   Helena borrowed $ 1, 500 and opened a shop to sell the cream. She worked 18 hours a day, seven days a week. She lived simply and saved all of her profits. She also learned how to make different kinds of creams and showed women how to take care of their skin. It was the first shop of this kind in the world.
   In less than two years, Rubinstein had paid her loan and saved $50, 000. She made more and more money every year. All this time, she thought only of work and success. A newspaper reporter named Edward Titus was in love with her. But she was not interested in him. She left Australia and went to Europe to learn more about the science of beauty. [br] From the passage, we learn that______.

选项 A、Helena had 8 sisters
B、Helena was born in Poland
C、Helena’ s mother made skin cream for her daughters
D、Helena’ s father was a doctor

答案 B

解析 细节题。根据文章第二段第一句“Helena Rubinstein was born in 1870 in Krakow,Poland.”可知,Helena出生在波兰,故答案为B。文章第二段第二句“She was the oldest of eight girls.”提到,Helena家里共有8个女孩,选项A认为Helena有8个姐妹,与原文信息不符,故排除。文章第二段第四句“She used a special skin cream that a foreign chemist made for her.”提到,Helena的母亲和妹妹用都是外国药剂师特制的面霜,选项C认为Helena的母亲为她的女儿制作润肤霜,与原文信息不符,故排除。选项D,原文未提及,故排除。