Diana: Look at those strangely-dressed kids. What are they doing there? Ar

游客2024-01-14  9

问题    Diana: Look at those strangely-dressed kids. What are they doing there?
   Arthur: Don’t you know? Today is the Halloween Day.【D1】______October 31st. The last day in October is a holiday for kids. We call it Halloween.
   Diana: Halloween! I heard it before,【D2】______
   Arthur: Children celebrate it by making lanterns that night.
   Diana: Pardon?
   Arthur: Those are lanterns made out of fresh pumpkins with a candle burning inside.
   Diana: Today I saw some in the street with carved faces on them. Are they all made by children?
   Arthur:【D3】______You know, it is too hard for them to do it by themselves. Sometimes they are available in various shops too.
   Diana: They are fascinating. Are you going to any Halloween party tonight?【D4】______
   Arthur: No problem.
   A. Parents usually help them.
   B. The kids are going trick-or-treating.
   C. but I don’t know how it is celebrated.
   D. If you go, take me with you. [br] 【D1】

选项 A、 

答案 B

解析 根据前面Diana提出的问题“看那些穿着奇怪的孩子。他们在那儿做什么呢?”可知,Arthur要做出回答,所以选项B“孩子们在玩‘招待还是恶作剧’的游戏”符合题意。故选B。