A program instituted in a particular state allows parents to prepay their childr

游客2024-01-13  35

问题 A program instituted in a particular state allows parents to prepay their children’s future college tuition at current rates. The program then pays the tuition annually for the child at any of the state’s public colleges in which the child enrolls. Parents should participate in the program as a means of decreasing the cost for their children’s college education. Which of the following, if true, is the most appropriate reason for parents not to participate in the program?

选项 A、The parents are unsure about which pubic college in the state the child will attend.
B、The amount of money accunulated by putting the prepayment funds in an interest-bearing account today will be greater than the total cost of tuition for any of the public colleges when the child enrolls.
C、The annual cost of tuition at the state’s public colleges is expected to increase at a faster rate than the annual increase in the cost of living.
D、Some of the state’ s public colleges are contemplating large increases in tuition next year.
E、The prepayment plan would not cover the cost of room and boardtany of the state’s public colleges.

答案 B

解析 该短文建议父母亲们应该参加学费预付计划,把它作为一种减少他们的孩子们将来大学教育费用的手段,如果(B)是对的,将资金放到一个计息账户将比参加这个预付学费计划有更大的成本效益,因此(B)是一个不参加的理由,并且是正确答案;(A)和(E)同决定是否参加都不是明确相关。因为该计划应用于孩子选择上的任何公立大学,该计划已经考虑到了(A)中的偶然性;不管父母亲是否参与,(E)中提到的费用都没有包括在学费开支中;选项(C)和(D)通过指出学费要增加,为参加该计划提供了支持。